Monday, April 22, 2013

Caricature Me!

While I was at the cherry blossom festival yesterday, I did something I had thought about most of the previous years--I got a caricature done. Near the top of Yunjungno, along the left hand side, there is quite selection of portrait artists to choose from; some are straight pen-and-ink, some do pencil sketches, some are "couples specialists". I wanted a caricature, and the price was right, at 10,000W (about USD 10). Have a look:


And the finished product:


Of course, this is not the first caricature I've had done in Korea. Just recently, as shown in an earlier post, a young lady presented me with this:

And, going on a long walk down memory lane (i.e., searching through the Seoul Patch--all the way to December, 2008), I found this one, made by a high school boy:

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