Tuesday, October 12, 2010

For Better Your Life

After two weeks of vacation time, during Chuseok and my Shanghai trip, I came back to school and had one day of exams (where I do nothing for three hours then go home), followed by one day of class (last Tuesday), which was then followed by three days with all my students gone on a class trip--three hours of desk warming each day there, too.

So, teaching two full days of class yesterday and today has been more tiring than usual, simply from being out of practce. Also, this is the first lesson of a new unit, introducing a lot of vocabulary, so I'm talking more than I am used to.

Add to that that I went with Nick &co. to the Bears-Lions game last night and got home a bit past midnight ... PLUS the fact that we could not find seats and had to stand up for about five hours, it's just as well I didn't get tickets to tonight's soccer friendly at Sangam between Japan and Korea. I'm tired.

But not too tired to share a delightful "mul tissue"--wet nap--I got somewhere or other recently, for better your life:

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